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So, I am supposed to just have faith that this content existed on Telegram? No thanks. Faith is for fools. No, thank you. I am hoping that by using archive websites I can access some of the older content of that group and/or content from polybun on Telegram if it existed, thank you.

You have yet to answer my question. Have you signed on to Telegram to see for yourself?

You have no rational reason to think I am trying to prove that Benjamin J Smith is not polyhead on LiveJournal and/or polybun on Reddit and/or poly bun on Youtube, etc. Obviously, you are projecting your own intellectual dishonesty and partisanship onto me, Thrasymachus. In fact, I came back here to offer the following evidence I found that Benjamin J Smith is polyhead and/or polybun and/or poly bun. Here's an article published in 2005 by Willamette Week headlined STILL BOMBING AFTER ALL THESE YEARS by Brandon Hartley.

It is about a group bike ride in Portland, Oregon. In this article, they quote, “Ben "Polyhead" Smith.” Based on the user name, it would seem, then, that this Ben Smith is the person who made the LiveJournal entries as “Polyhead” and the person who went by “Polybun” on Reddit based on the fact that it all seems to have been written by the same person.

I have already answered your first question and you have yet to answer mine, though I have asked a few times now.

You're more than welcome to look at the info I have gathered, even though, as we agree, you and I have access to the same social media content. But I can give you links to polyhead's LiveJournal entries and/or polybun's Reddit. Also, I have a couple of archives of a Youtube account named poly bun including the channels that account was subscribed to. It seems Andy Ngo is not a channel poly bun subscribed to.

I am not saying that Benjamin J Smith did not switch from supporting the Democrat party and the ACLU, from being against Christianity and from deriding "podunk america" to becoming a right winger. I am saying so far the evidence does not show that. YOU, however, are claiming that he was or became right wing. But you offer ZERO evidence. Hearsay is not evidence. Images that are supposed to be screenshots can easily be faked. You have nothing but unseemly emotional demands.


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