if you sign up for telegram and then join Make Furries Great Again you're not going to be able to see their historical posts, just the ones that they make after you join their group. This is basic functionality of Telegram that most users know, so I want you to know this so you don't in essence waste your money like you're wasting your time in trying to prove that Ben and Polybun are different people.
Because this comment here insinuates you don't even believe this. Why go digging into all of Polybun's social media words if he is not the gunman? It would be quicker if your shared this evidence you claim to have. I mean, why waste all your time digging up knowledge if you're just going to horde it and then look down on everyone that doesn't have what you have? Seems a bit antithetical to the concept of knowledge to me.
Given this, many will conclude that you're trying to get me to waste my time, and are trying to project empathy on others by *claiming* you're putting more effort in this than I am.
I leave you with this statement I told my bosses [coworkers who actually couldn't fire me] when I worked in retail when they made the slogan "Working Harder for You."
The person who works harder builds a bridge over a creek. The person who works smarter steps over it.
if you sign up for telegram and then join Make Furries Great Again you're not going to be able to see their historical posts, just the ones that they make after you join their group. This is basic functionality of Telegram that most users know, so I want you to know this so you don't in essence waste your money like you're wasting your time in trying to prove that Ben and Polybun are different people.
Because this comment here insinuates you don't even believe this. Why go digging into all of Polybun's social media words if he is not the gunman? It would be quicker if your shared this evidence you claim to have. I mean, why waste all your time digging up knowledge if you're just going to horde it and then look down on everyone that doesn't have what you have? Seems a bit antithetical to the concept of knowledge to me.
Given this, many will conclude that you're trying to get me to waste my time, and are trying to project empathy on others by *claiming* you're putting more effort in this than I am.
I leave you with this statement I told my
bosses[coworkers who actually couldn't fire me] when I worked in retail when they made the slogan "Working Harder for You."The person who works harder builds a bridge over a creek. The person who works smarter steps over it.
And you're not Socrates.