Have you actually went to Telegram to see what this person posted/commented? I tried. Have you? To get an account on Telegram, they require a phone number. So I ordered myself a disposable phone and some minutes so I can sign up and go look. Waiting for that to arrive. By your "logic", if you do join up to see for yourself, you become right wing or alt-right or far-right or whatever. So you have put yourself in a position where you can't go see for yourself. You simply believe. You have faith based on emotions, not reason based on fact.
Have you actually went to Telegram to see what this person posted/commented? I tried. Have you? To get an account on Telegram, they require a phone number. So I ordered myself a disposable phone and some minutes so I can sign up and go look. Waiting for that to arrive. By your "logic", if you do join up to see for yourself, you become right wing or alt-right or far-right or whatever. So you have put yourself in a position where you can't go see for yourself. You simply believe. You have faith based on emotions, not reason based on fact.