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Even though it's a 'boy who cried wolf' situation, I pursue each and every lead, every claim, every link, tweet, etc. I can not pursue all of them immediately. I have a dozen tabs open for webpages that I mean to look at but have not had time to look at yet. But I will. So thanks again for that. You may just be crying wolf, but I will check anyway because that is what someone who is sincerely interested in the truth does.

Have you actually went to Telegram to see what this person posted/commented? I tried. Have you? To get an account on Telegram, they require a phone number. So I ordered myself a disposable phone and some minutes so I can sign up and go look. Waiting for that to arrive. By your "logic", if you do join up to see for yourself, you become right wing or alt-right or far-right or whatever. So you have put yourself in a position where you can't go see for yourself. You simply believe. You have faith based on emotions, not reason based on fact.

Lots of people go to political discussion groups not to agree but to disagree, to debate. Maybe the guy went to the group to, as he has for decades, argue against Christianity and to argue against "podunk america" and "hicks". Ever think of that? No? Too busy feeling your little feelings to think?

You are factually incorrect about my motivation, exactly like Thrasymachus. You are wrong about me and my perfectly valid questions for the exact same reason why Thrasymachus was so emotional and wrong about Socrates and his valid questions. I bet you would force me to drink hemlock if you could. It is a fault in you, not in myself. I suggest you get over it and rise to the level of a mature, rational, intellectually honest and sincere adult who is worthy of being taken seriously.

No matter how strongly your emotions override your reason, you will not make untrue things true. Your emotions do not make you right. They make you wrong.

All you are doing is demonstrating that you're not credible. Because of your display of incredibility in these comments, people might assume that your little essay above is just propaganda and lies.

Well, I suggest you stop being so wrong, dry up the tears, look at the evidence with a rational mindset and stop being such a silly little jerk like Thrasymachus.


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