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Yes, I set aside that link and continued to discuss this with you rather than pursue that link. Perhaps I should have set aside our discussion and pursued the link instead. At any rate, thanks for giving that link to me a second time. I'm going to have to make a Telegram account now, it seems.

I am interested in the political views of Polyhead and/or Polybun and/or Benjamin J Smith because of the strange discrepancy between what some claim and what the evidence that I have seen so far suggests. As someone who is investigating the story, it is not "Socratic rape" but rather my responsibility as a member of society to pursue the truth.

Speaking of the Socratic method and Socrates, it is exquisitely ironic and you are doing a fitting impression of how Thrasymachus would behave if the discussion in the first part of Plato's Republic occurred on social media. You see, you fit very neatly into the role that Thrasymachus fulfills in the Republic; the person who is angered by perfectly reasonable, indeed inevitable questions for someone who seeks to arrive at truth. So, thank you for that as well.


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