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He was "left-wing" by the standards of 2009.

The interesting thing about Trumpism that I have noted is that it has created a shift in people who would identify as Republican or Democrat in American society. Almost to the point where JFK caused a paradigm shift in how people would affiliate.

I note this usually impacted individuals who are cis-gender white males who are atheistic or are anti-theist.

Two the Ranting Gryphon and Benjamin Polybun are prime examples of furries who if you told them in 2009 they would identify with the Republican party by 2016 they would have laughed you out of the room. I guess that's why they initially labeled themselves 'alt-right' to distinguish that the new right before Trump took office was different than the Bush/Regan Republicans. The irony is these left-wingers who transitioned to right-wing tend to scoff the idea of people shifting their recognized gender identities.

So why would they identify as Democrats before Trump? My theory is that because before Trump the religious knowledge aspect was important in right wing circles. Trump basically couldn't hide the fact that if he had any theological ties to any deity it would be only Mammon. So it opened the comfort door for angry cis-gendered white males to identify more with the right wing than the left. The left at this time started to adapt more moralistic platitudes when it comes to evaluating content of character. Even if they didn't do it with a specific deity.

Organizations of people are not static, they shift and change with the times, and some get caught up in the current. To call a person left wing or right wing based on how they openly identified over 12 years ago is going to be as outdated as listening to music on an iPod.


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