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I mean, he kinda said it himself twenty years ago:

[…] I'm a criminal becuase i want to and WILL own hand guns no matter what laws are made, if guns are ban I'll give my life up before i give up my guns. I pirate, I use key gens.. I scan entire Class c's looking for port 24 hanging open.. if it is.. I start seing if a can map it. I cures.. thats going to end up being a crime.. in many places it is already.

I can't imagine any future formyself other than in prison.. well.. for me its more like dying either running from the cops for all I'm worth or being gunned down while trying to breawk out of prison. Its like why even fucking bother living.. I'm just a worthless criminal peice of fucking trash any way.

I also want to add FUCK YOU US GOVERNMENT.. […]

You think i'm such fucking dirt.. hurry up and call the fucking cops and have them try to come and get me so i can huyrry up and fucking die goddamn it becuase i can already see what a fucking waste my whoel fucking life is since i'll just end up a fucking criminal..

Not that he's the only one to create angsty journals. If anything, being a babyfur/cub and ham radio helped distract him from his problems. But in the end, it clearly wasn't enough; probably extensive lockdowns in which he took a position against masks didn't help.

[Also, I think I stumbled across why he had such a thing against Furp - I guess "ROW" is "remotely-operated weapon" in this context.]


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