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Actually, no, I have nothing against Babyfurs, saying as I am one. I helped run IRC channels two decades ago when we kicked Polybun out for his racist ranting and death threats and the like. We reported he was saying this thing all over the fandom, and the fandom mostly ignored it because of who we were. We have logs from those days. There's evidence he was going to do this from day one, and when we told other furries about it we were shot down because we were "diaper shitters."

He, like many other nazi-furs, chose babyfur to hide out in because NOBODY LISTENED TO US THEN.

Everyone's acting like this Nazi-fur thing is new? I remember when Nazi-furs had open parties at FWA, Mephit Furmeet, and Rocket City Furmeet while those cons went out of their way to let them.

My whole point is that the warning signals about Polybun in this fandom went out decades ago. They were ignored because of who were reporting his bad actions. Most of us in the babyfurs IRC days knew he was going to one day murder someone, fuck, I mean he talked about it all the time.

Polybun told everyone who he was two decades ago. He told people he was going to do this. We could have pushed him out THEN had the fandom listened.


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