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Down the geek social hierarchy? Do you have something against babyfurs? Many more babyfurs align with antifa than what this guy aligned with. How's the difference of everyday furries being sexually into "uwu" 11-15yo looking characters any different than the ones into 3-14yo ones? Both is pedophilic. At least babyfurs are more SFW and innocence-seeking.

The only thing the public will scorn over this is the fact they were a furry. How the fact he was a furry being in light of this makes no sense at all. He could have had any interest. Killers have many properties. Being a furry or a babyfur shouldn't have been brought up at all, it's literally troll-bait, media mockery.

But hey may be if furries stopped in-fighting and bullying each other they wouldn't be so many guys like this who end up taking out their aggression. This is just proof that furry subculture marginalizes people so much within itself with its one-way sjw ideologies leads to extremist and occult behaviors. Furry has been a stagnant swamp for years now, you can expect swamp monsters to be abundant. Furry should be more genuinely accepting, otherwise those who are rejected will find some way to fight back via whatever remaining group still welcomes them. This dude was clearly messed up and there's always reasons for such behaviors. If you be an asshole, you will create assholes like this, end of.


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