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First Brandon Hole. Then Kyle Rittenhouse. Then Sam Hyde. Now this. They can't keep getting away with this.

You know these incidents are getting worse because they're doubling down on their whiteness. Nazi diaperfurs. Move over Dylann Roof.

I'm floored. As a man of multculturalism, I dont know how such vicious hate could exist. When I'm in Asiatown, I do ninja kung fu while eating ramen noodles. When I watch 12 Years a Slave, I clap and sing along with Paul Dano. When I'm at Taco Bell, I'm friends with all the El Salvadorians. I've been everywhere and know everybody, so down syndrome Nazis are naturally going to terrify me. I might like their conviction, but that doesn't mean I agree with them!

If I had to list ten characters who would support Benjamin Polybun Smith, they would be as follows:

Allen Gregory
Sway Sway
Gene Emoji
Dobby the House Elf
Jar Jar Binks
Satan from South Park
Rey from Star Wars


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