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I will note that there seems to be a pattern of an individual who both hates the military, but is also ironically militant himself.

In his livejournal [under the name Polyhead - which shows that the prefix of poly* references a automobile part and not a sexual preference] when his brother went to Iraq he basically decried that he hoped he died over there because he 'voted for Bush.' Likewise, the thing he got angry at with Furp's death is that he was in the military. Perhaps he tried to get in himself but didn't qualify? Or he hated his brother and anything he was affiliated with?

Regardless, my heart goes out to the Knightly family, and honor her and those injured for exercising their free speech. Their exercising brought out a demon, and hopefully it is one that will be ousted from being able to harm anyone else.

They took the bullets that could have easily been for others and those within our fandom.


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