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Boozy 'for no particular reason' just posted a thread that seems to be (not legal advice) on how an organization wishing to peel away from dependence on the prior org need to go:

And of course to work with third party-consuling during the process.

My non-legal advice to those outside the organization but are local furs to these organizations, particularly those who were relieved of their duties and have the chops to run a convention. Go into cocoon mode. Your experience with the convention was you as a hungry caterpillar getting the information and abilities needed to create value for the fandom and your own life. Now is the time to stabilize your own books and life and prepare a side fund for in case the worst fears come to pass and this is Treble doing a smoke and mirrors trick.

Because if it is, and what is stated about him is true, then inevitably it will come crashing down. And at that time you need to be ready to break from the cocoon into butterfly mode to fill in the empty vacuum left behind. Use the time they are "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" to build and prepare in the background.

If you are met with a predictable situation, it's best to prepare for that situation. If they defy those expectations and succeed, then that's good for the artists in the area and you save your money and energy. If they fail, then at least you're ready to throw your hat in when it does to alleviate the pain points.


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