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I must admit, I don't recall reading either work before this. Given what they say about production, I'm amazed DDoS worked as well as it did. One of those projects that seems like a good idea at the time, and ends up all-consuming - at least you learn fast!

Of course, I'd have been curious to see the other end to the story:

If you just want to know the ending: they live happily ever after, until rabies spreads through the beach like wildfire and Deigo must rush to the heart of the Congo to discover a cure in the relics of the Egyptians, then Bayshore gets abducted by space-dolphins who probe his like and dislike for various types of fish, and Raj returns to his Malaysian home to continue his apprenticeship as a scientologist ninja. The Brumby and Zeb eventually get married, much to the disapproval of Zeb's uptight British mother who wanted grandkittens.

While Blotch was great while it lasted, both artists had their own projects before and after - I have pack #81 of The Bestiary, organized by Kenket (who was a guest of honor at my first furry convention), and she's still putting out great pieces - she seems to be an artist for Tangletorn - while I've been reading Oren's Forge by BlackTeagan on and off since I learnt of it via the Ursa Majors. Long may both endure!


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