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Suppose I might as well reply again. As I stated in my article on free speech, the limitations I am in favour of apply in cases where there what is happening does not further discussion. Trolling is not a good-faith attempt to further discussion and does not result in the exchange of ideas, so I have no interest in protecting it.

I have not claimed that cancelling is purely a left-wing problem; it happens to both sides. (I've previously said that both left and right are becoming nearly indistinguishable in their actions.) Do I have more of a focus on left-wing cancelling? Yes. While I do not identify with a side, I think the balance of my positions are left wing and until several years ago, I probably would've identified as left. So it's generally the side I have a closer affinity with and so the one I am more interested in. The left has also historically been the side that protects and champions free speech, so it seems more important to stop that decline than worry about some people doing what they have always been doing. Lastly, the majority of the furry fandom has a left-wing bias, so complaining about right-wing cancelling is just preaching to the choir. Why spend time trying to convince people of what they are already in agreement with?

I disagree with your framing of cultural appropriation. I think the liberal view is in favour of multi-culturalism and viewing humanity as one whole. The idea that certain languages, foods, manner of dress or whatever should be limited to a specific race or ethnic group and that we should exist separately is the right-wing and racist view. I have no interest in furthering exclusion of people based on the colour of their skin or where they were born.

You also misrepresent my views on diversity. I agree with the need for increased diversity and am happy to encourage it. But that should be done by addressing the root causes of lack of diversity, not necessarily by just parading different people. It's a complex issue. I've already seen what happens when people get or are denied positions just because of their race. My country is the best example of that; both discrimination with bad and good intentions.

Right and left are too broad a category to capture anything. There are things that need to change and things that don't need to change. I will take them one at a time. My views on free speech used to qualify as left-wing, now maybe they are seen as right-wing. They still haven't changed. Perhaps my views on gun control are further right than left but that comes from a strain of (social) libertarianism which also supports drug legalisation which is more left-wing than right-wing. Since my overall political ideal would be to move as close as practical to an anarchist collectivist system of government, I doubt you would find many conservatives that would consider me one of them.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~


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