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Yet you have brought it up twice. And it's something that rankles me because it makes no sense and I would expect you to know better. But reading your message here just raises so many things that annoy me and that I think are major problems with the American political landscape and a lot of online commentary.

I didn't mention the banning because that wasn't what I was talking about. I had a different but related issue of interest. Just because I disagree with one person does not mean that I can not criticise those that are against. Nor does criticism of one person imply support for the other person in an argument. My original comment wasn't even attacking the people fighting the ban but complaining about the way the story was covered.

If I didn't say something, I didn't say it. I don't know what else you would expect from me if I have been misinterpreted. That could be misused but one can not claim that because some people misuse something then it is always misused. Unless I have a particularly good reason not to, I will follow the principle of charity and interpret someone's words in the best possible way according to what they have written. If you are going to ignore what someone writes because you think they mean something else then there is no possible productive dialogue because whatever they say you think there is another meaning.

I have no interest in left or right labels or siding with someone because of their other positions. I don't think the right is evil and the left is good. Nor do I think the opposite. I will make my decision on each topic as it comes up. Sometimes I support the right wing position, sometimes I support the left wing position and sometimes I don't support either. I am not interested in joining or supporting some sort of team. I am an individual and whether I agree with a particular position depends on the arguments for that position and how it relates to my own values, not what "team" the person is on.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~


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