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I think being gay shouldn't be a partisan issue, and that many in marginalized communities would really love it if their mere existence wasn't political. However given the artificial construct that is partisan politics leads to people tribalizing you get unnatural abominations of thought corralling where all of a sudden your economic theory somehow dictates how you feel about sexuality.

People tend to fight against the censorship they care about. I doubt Joe Rogan will put in any input on this censorship, but will gladly flout the boycott of Spotify as a grave threat to liberty because, well, his livelihood is on the line. Just as a gay person is going to be more adamant in this situation because they see 'book-burning' as the first step towards abnormalizing their existence, and then a move to 'remove' them from existence.

So in essence, what you are indicating is a 'bug' of freedom of protest against what one feels is important without going to bat for all other instances outside their social circles may actually be how the feature works in reality.


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