I'd imagine there's not one incident, or source, or whatever. It's basically a very obvious joke. Variations of it as a story have almost certainly appeared on both furry and anti-furry sites literally millions of times, both by joke thieves and by morons who, bless their hearts, thought they were telling an original joke (do not steal). That's not even counting the near infinite times the joke could be told offline with not even an echo of the polite "uh, ha?" it at most produced to mark its passing.
Furthermore, it is a fairly cheap prank to pull off if you take it offline; neither litter boxes nor kitty litter are very expensive, and it isn't even necessarily malicious. Somebody placed a cat litter box next the toilet in their hotel room, how cute (only later, if at all, realizing this is still a hassle for hotel staff). Of course, some pranksters are probably more likely to go further along with the bit than others, if you catch my drift.
Unfortunately, since furries do a lot of weird shit that isn't a joke, someone could easily miss the joke. Especially if they don't have much of a sense of humor to begin with and/or an agenda that makes them want to believe.
I'd imagine there's not one incident, or source, or whatever. It's basically a very obvious joke. Variations of it as a story have almost certainly appeared on both furry and anti-furry sites literally millions of times, both by joke thieves and by morons who, bless their hearts, thought they were telling an original joke (do not steal). That's not even counting the near infinite times the joke could be told offline with not even an echo of the polite "uh, ha?" it at most produced to mark its passing.
Furthermore, it is a fairly cheap prank to pull off if you take it offline; neither litter boxes nor kitty litter are very expensive, and it isn't even necessarily malicious. Somebody placed a cat litter box next the toilet in their hotel room, how cute (only later, if at all, realizing this is still a hassle for hotel staff). Of course, some pranksters are probably more likely to go further along with the bit than others, if you catch my drift.
Unfortunately, since furries do a lot of weird shit that isn't a joke, someone could easily miss the joke. Especially if they don't have much of a sense of humor to begin with and/or an agenda that makes them want to believe.