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It was kind of a perfect storm. Omicron is peaking from the holiday season. While it doesn't seem to be as deadly, it's far more contagious and even those who are vaxxed are getting it. Even with mild symptoms, one still has to stay home and wait it out. With the number of staff, dealers, and attendees out of action, it would have been very hard to run the event. The thing is that the hotels they use were likely having the same staffing issues. It just made sense to postpone. Will they have it at all in 2022? I guess that remains to be seen. Getting everyone to arrange time off again to run and attend it might be a big ask.

If people would just get vaxxed, wear masks, distance and avoid gatherings for a few weeks, we could probably end this surge in it's tracks, but enough won't that it will sabotage the ones that have some actual sense.


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