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Oh, goddammit, I'm not done.

So, I took a shower, you know how that is, total mistake, but I was still thinking about it, anyway...


So, like, is the whole "I'm going to murder you" thing like, G rated #MeToo? Well, I guess PG. It's still murder. That's, like, bad.

Anyway, I guess it's like Harvey Weinstein, but instead of coercing people into sex for, like, roles or whatever, he like throws people out windows. Like it's an open secret in "Not Las Vegas But Also Not A Lame Animal Pun, Like What's The Fucking Point, Just Call It Paws Vegas, Come On Movie", Crystal throws people out of windows, but he'll make you rich and famous, who cares. Like, that explains Suki, like she got thrown out the first story window a couple times, maybe once even the second window, but she wasn't really badly hurt and like, suck it up, he's paying you so much money, you can take a couple times getting thrown out the window for that, you know. You're an important person because of him. And sometimes he can be nice. I mean, dude wouldn't throw his own daughter out a window. Right?

And then she sees him about to throw Moon out the window, and she's like, "Oh, wait, no, this is messed up." and she kind has a realization that this guy is out of control and what he's doing is wrong.

And then there's the scene where he shows the cat his dick, it's an accident, but that happens.

I don't know, that's all I got.

(I thought about using the pig dancing to Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do" clip up there at the top but apparently that's not on YouTube yet. There was a lot of Porsha singing "Girl on Fire" for some reason, Google thought that might work instead, I guess, but I prefer the Rob Zombie version, they should've used that, that's another strike against this movie right there.)


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