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I need to mention that stable coins exist, USDC, USDT(Possible Ponzi) and BUSD. They are linked to dollar price 1 by 1. They reside on Ethereum blockchain that is PoS and use 99%(It is not really true) less energy than Bitcoin.

LiteCoin and BitcoinCash for example has a transaction fee of 0.0067 Dollars approximately. It is cheaper than Paypal and use less energy than Bitcoin saving the planet a little bit as they use similar algorithm and PoW. The furries can now stop violation of PayPal rules and getting account locks as some artist experienced after years of PayPal.

Sure crypto require many cares and scam precautions that can only be achived by a solid knowledge about crypto mechanics(World).

The Bitcoin staff is working on a solution to reduce energy consume, because it is a serious problem that other coins solved already(The maximum possible). Bitcoin has a special integrity and security focus and as result spend to much energy. Monero between all these is the only coin that avoid ASIC with a random algorithm that allow normal computers to mine and as result reduce consume.

If you don't buy it on a exchange platform, you can exchange for the price you want if the other part accept your offer. It is usually made on P2P platform(Unsafe). Bitcoin has a transaction cost of $15~$12 dollars currently as the network is overheated. So very useless for furry commissions. There are a lot of better crypto for furries make payment including the very old and loved PayPal.

Holding culture is good because the people will be forced to spend with some thing all the time like food. Inflationary coins incentive irrational spending and high consume that also results in faster planet destruction. It gives more time for smart consume that results in a better green economy and quality of life, result of good investment without pressure to spend fast.

The price logic is the same for a coin of a poor and unstable nation. You trust US government will not make any suicide action and there are many participants on dollar field with awesome staffs waiting to be bought with their coin. If some thing happen, the US government honor it's debts, it has a good reputation and infrastructure to offer you warranties that keep you safe.

Now give all these responsibility to a digital system that can fail and it is developed by small developers group that haven't how to honor any responsibility if something get wrong on blockchain.

Or give this responsibility to a poor country that have many violent power swap cycles, corruption and genocide politics against their own people, infinity debts, no interesting product or services to offer and many people trying to escape from the country. Well this coin will have a really low value before the dollar.

The same rule to crypto. So every crypto should be low value. But as it is non-censurable and no dictatorship or bad government can manage it. It have high usability value but no warranty and a small number of participants. So if a big business in field broken it price drops massively, if a bug happen in blockchain, price drops massively and etc.. If Bitcoin turns into a world standard and there are many people participating, it price will be very stable when a big player broken. As Bitcoin was very well developed the things are going OK now. But the people haven't warranties and don't feel safe and the market is small and under threat of many governments around the world. So they keep sell, buy, sell, buy cycles.


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