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I don't know if it will win the Ursa, it is my hope it will.

Yes, even over DeltaRune Chapter 2.

It's just a personal preference in the kind of games I like, and it's a complete package.

Never really got into the Undertale series, though I do know that it has an active fanbase and its meme-ability gives it a share advantage [Insert gamer bird character smug face here].

As I said, somethings get lost in the shuffle. No one streaming this game is going to make a meme moment.

Other then me calling out the Grey Crow as a Boomer claiming I was "Free to do what I wanted" after forcing my character into a 'do this or you die' scenario.

And one frog boss has a reputation on sitting on people.

But character personality wise, eccentricities are what the *Tale series does quite well.


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