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If you honestly can tell me that the admins shut down an entire IRC network because of one user, then I can just as honestly tell you that they never should have been IRC admins in the first place, pure and simple. I've been an admin on a small network for the better part of six months now (and counting) and yes, there are several people who have become thorns in my side who do their best to drive me nuts and make me question my reason for providing service. But I do what I can to keep them out of my hair, and suck up the rest and just move on with my life. I serve a larger group of people than just those one or two twinks, and I recognize my responsibility to them to continue to provide access and friendly service without the dramatics.

From what I hear, the entire Sibe situation was handled poorly by both the user and the admin community on YiffNet. I'm afraid I don't respect either side very much after the way things were handled.


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