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Also, as streaming movies can qualify for Oscar consideration, there's no reason Netflix can't still submit this movie for the Best Animated Feature category. It will be interesting to see if they do; I mean, it has almost no chance of a nomination. Even if Netflix does submit it, their main FYC push will still definitely be The Mitchells vs. the Machines, which actually does have a chance. 2017's FiM movie was pointedly not submitted, but Netflix feels more like it would than Lionsgate (I mean, if I'm even correct in that's the distributor's choice to make, which I might not be).

I have no idea how the songs would do, though I'm guessing "not well" (speaking of Bond movies, I'm pretty sure Billie Eilish's 'No Time to Die' is going to win that), but I would totally love "Danger, Danger" a.k.a. "Fascist Grunge Pony Gaga: The Song" to be performed live in front of the Academy.


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