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1) I would argue that if anything is left out of random online message boards it is the opinion of extroverts who spend more time with in person interactions than the using a computer screen as a social supplement, of which introverts do all the time (speaking from personal experience here).

2) While I would agree that there is a bias when you just use Twitter and that there should be more of a push to utilize resources outside of it. I must note that the platform that Matt Blume asked his questions on was, in fact, Twitter. So if anything the same underlying source was used here.

This would mean that while he went and asked people on Twitter what their opinions were (an extravertive action), and I just scanned what people were saying out loud on their own feeds unprompted (an introvertive action), the platform bias is the same.

I would have gleaned what furries were saying on Facebook, but it was down.


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