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"Tend to be" is a weasel word, which should be a bit obvious to any educated reader. Though "Vocal Twitter Furries Tend to be..." would probably be more accurate.

It is mostly in response to the mainstream press saying "Furries hate Lohan's NFT Fursona." which I'm sure you asked them for citation as well, yeah?

If reacting to social media reactions can be done by the mainstream press without questioning its ethics, then I am flattered you are holding me to a higher standard then the Rolling Stone, The Verge, and The Observer (as screenshot it the top of the article).

The sections in question were to try and give context to the frustration of those vocal sassy furs on social media, because those furs tend to think that everyone knows why they are upset about something and goes into passive aggressive mode quite quickly which to people outside of their groups can deem confusing and perplexing if they are not given that context of contention.


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