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Now, let's actually go to the auction and see what's up.

Okay, first of all, this is the description of the collection:

The Canine Cartel is a pack of 10,000 of the craziest mutts to ever run these streets. Each Canine NFT is a unique ERC-721 digital collectible living on the Ethereum blockchain. Your Canine makes you one of us. But, be warned, we’re a ride or die crew. Getting in is simple, getting out won’t be good for your health.

Okay, fuck you.

Anyway, wow, that is some really generic character design. (They, unlike Lohan, at least have ears.) But, maybe, there's some good stuff; this is the most favorited "token" of the collection. Uh, not feeling it myself (and if I had to guess, the real reason it's so "popular" is because he has 69 on his shirt). The second most favorited is okay; I mean, this would be a perfectly acceptable background Khajiit character in "modernized" Elder Scrolls spinoff game.

Speaking of "perfectly acceptable video game character design", I note that there is apparently a grand total of one female body/face design for the dogs. However, when looking at "highest last sale", I guess there is also a fairly rare female cat design, as the record holder is this calico cat with heterochromia and a dress color scheme that conspires to make her appear nude (so much for the Cartel's protestation that this isn't about sexualizing animal characters like those nasty furries). Ironically, our friend Perfectly Acceptable Background Khajiit ranks second, again, the poor guy. And, as Sonious notes, the top three most valuable "canines" are all, in fact, feline, with another cat coming in fifth to make four of the top five feline.

All in all, I mean, on one hand, this basically looks like someone made a generic fursona generator like they used to make in Flash and hit randomize 10,000 times (then unsuccessfully tried to draw Lindsay Lohan as a dog). On the other hand, I will say, looking at the "highest last sale", the buyers, even if they are just craven investors, are picking the tokens where the randomization process seems to have actually created a character you can kind of, maybe, if you turn your head just right and squint, actually see some sort of, well characterization.


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