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Well, if we're going to gossip about Lindsay Lohan and Paul Schrader, the movie in particular we're talking about is The Canyons, which was a box-office bomb and a critical failure -- but the critical consensus also seemed to be that the best thing about the movie was Lohan's performance. The "unreliable" comment was about her perceived failure to promote the film afterward, which appears to have happened when she was in rehab, although Schrader appears to have been frustrated with her on set as well.

At any rate, her "troubled teen star" story is pretty well-documented at this point, but it's also rather overshadowed the point that she appears to be a pretty decent actress when she has her act together. Also, none of this has a whole lot to do with her being roped into promoting NFT-based fauxsonas, unless the implicit argument is that it's another bad decision she made.

— Chipotle


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