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Let me turn that back around on you.

They will know about it if it's reported and not swept under the rug like so many issues today have been.

You call it mild criticism but if GOHs see their social media is going to be checked (and I will obviously make a hypothetical assumption here) as far back as let's say 2010, even if they were a "bad" person then people do change and thus their past statements do not reflect their present state.

Now, looking through his Twitter, Pepper has different view points on things than I do, yes. But does that make him a "dumpster fire"? No. I don't see anything where he could be labeled a "dumpster fire", at least not yet anyway (I will keep scrolling and see if I can find any tweets that make him a "dumpster fire").

Now while it is likely that some may shrug and move on, if others have any "controversial" or moderate conservative, not similar tweets to the rest of the fandom, or don't voice support X issue or Y issue, then they are a [insert insult/slur here]. No one should be forced to take a side, which is what we've done to people we love to see.

So say what you will but this is a disturbing trend that speaks of bias within the staff. And I guarantee you if FFA has this issue, I will call them out on it. That's a promise. As stated, The Anonymous Inari is an independent news agency doing research into various news articles. We've got articles that we're writing right now on various issues like the ability of sexual predators to hide from the fandom due to lack of background checks readily available, the change in the furry fandom over the past decade and a half, and the effect of COVID on Furry Conventions Worldwide.

-Anonymous Inari


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