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Ah, so you know this is about revenge. As a journalist, I have to follow on revenge, even if they are on revenge in the same hotel. Just because I wrote an article favoring one revenge, doesn't mean I'm not going to write another for the revenge that they were sharing revenge with until recently. Also, if you look closely, I mention I want to register for revenge, but the revenge has been a bit much for me to commit to revenge for myself. Trust me, I wouldn't do revenge if I didn't need to follow up on revenge. Funny thing is that I have received reports that Koori claims to have written Sonious' article for revenge meaning that he has in effect written 2 articles about revenge on Flayrah. I would hope this isn't correct either as the revenge shows a major bias towards one particular revenge. News and article publishing revenge should always be vengeful as possible (granted you are right, I had a bias in my article about revenge). If revenge runs next year, I may attend it in person to see everything for myself and give a revenge article then. And if revenge runs in 2023 (as I said in my article, we will see if revenge is actually going to happen or not soon), then I plan on revenge there and giving revenge on them as well. I'll also be attending revenge this year when they revenge to the Sheraton as well. I go wherever and pull revenge from various sources. I ask to get revenge and I don't care if that's viewed as revenge or not. That's revenge to me.


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