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Okay, GreenReaper tells Sonious, just a few comments above:

I've generally found it works better to write a straight article and save opinion and comedy for the comments

Basically, in the Oklacon article, I did exactly what he recommends here.

But, I see you changed attack fronts. I'm not a bad person because I'm "a bad, unethical journalist", I'm a bad person who starts fights. And also holds grudges.

Okay, first. Yes. Well known. Green Reaper has, in the past, told me as much. Also told me to stop cussing so much. He hasn't recently, but I think it's mostly because he's seen that as a lost clause. I believe mwalimu once threatened to ban me (he actually denied that when I brought it up with him one time, but maybe he was just bluffing at the time). Sonious is a bit coyer about it, but, yeah, he's definitely had his "okay, crossie, let it go" moments. Equivamp has definitely called me out. So, join the club! (Oh, and if you have time, ask Chipotle about The Lord of the Rings some time; you will love it!)

And, yes, I perhaps should apologize (to a lot of people!); in fact, that might be it. I finally went too far with you, and, well, whatever it was that crossed the line, I'm genuinely sorry.

But, second, so what? I don't regret fighting with you, either in general or about Oklacon specifically. I say in the Reddit thread we disagreed. We had fights. But I enjoyed them. I though (maybe wishfully) you might have enjoyed them a bit too. What I'm saying is, yes, I can see the drawbacks to being as combative as I am on the Internet, but, really, I'm okay with it. People still apparently find me ... something, hell if I know ... enough to put up with it. If you don't want to deal with it, that is more than fair. You don't need me; why the fuck should you have to deal with this crap. You know where I'm going to be (i.e. right here); you can avoid me.

Which brings me to my final point; little fucking hypocritical, buddy. I may be a fucking little turd who gets in fights, but so do you. I mean, I can still be friends with Rakuen Growlithe; you can't! Oh, and though Green Reaper may find my keyboard exploits exasperating, there has never been a point where he made me apologize for a comment slapfight in the contents of my actual article.

Someone in this comment section has, though! Yeah, I'm gonna fucking link to that one:

The post's author, Patch Packrat, reports reacting with uncharacteristic hostility to a few critics, and apologizes to Perri Rhoades for personally attacking her in incredibly mean and unclassy ways above and beyond disagreement, due to personal stress and "triggering" that's better discussed with his therapist than on the Internet.

(And, oh my god, you had to publicly apologize to Perri Rhoades, how embarrassing for you!)


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