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I sent you a message. Apparently you didn't get it. That is unfortunate, but not a lie. And, actually I can back it up a little:

You can't have logged on here without getting my message; I tried.

That is from a comment in the Oklacon article (I should maybe link it, but goddammit, you already did for me).

I'm going to go point by point:

1. My "unsourced and factually incorrect attack" is, well, unsourced and factually incorrect (well, actually, I list a source, WikiFur, but I disagree with it, so whatever), but not, as you claim, part of the article. It's a comment under the article in which I am no longer speaking as a journalist, but as myself. I'm not apologizing for that, other than to agree, yeah, I was wrong. If it had been in the article, a correction would've been appropriate. But it wasn't in the article. (It also wasn't an attack; why the fuck did the con need to have a relationship with Watonga?)

2. Once again, I did call Oklacon "shitty", which is not very nice, admittedly, but once again, not in the article. That was on Reddit. I speculated (admittedly incorrectly) once again in the comments, not the article; furthermore, I didn't ever call Oklacon shitty at Flayrah, certainly not part of the article. And, even in the Reddit thread, I mean, first of all, there were less than 10 total participants, and I wasn't the only one who badmouthed the con.

3. Okay, I missed caffeinated_wolf. However, him and are Ion Otter are random dudes on Reddit while my actual editor, Green Reaper, never said shit. Noone on Flayrah's staff ever said shit. And I know multiple people via Flayrah who have also talked to you on my behalf and have told you your harassment of me was not cool. You may have won this fight with randos, but you didn't win this fight with anyone who matters.

4. Basically, true, and if there's anything to critique on the Oklacon article is that I basically just copy and pasted the convention's own announcement (which also had some errors involving alcohol/consent laws in OK, apparently, because, you know, they were a shitty con). And furthermore, I think it's obvious if I ever do get "cancelled" I'm not going to do well.


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