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And for the record, I sent Patch a private message to try and, well, apologize; it was on Flayrah's message system, and that's always been a bit spotty, but I'm pretty sure we were communicating with it beforehand. Furthermore, my final post on that Reddit piece read, in it's entirety (some italics added):

Patch, there hasn't been another comment or even upvote or downvote for the last day.

It's just us shouting at each other, except now it's just you shouting at me. You're also kind of rambling. Seriously, are you okay? Is there something else I need to apologize for? Are you mad at me for anything else; do we need to talk about it?

You're actually scaring me here.

Seeing as how Patch would go on to harass me out of the editorial position here at Flayrah, I was not scared enough. I mean, read the thread he's linked to; I keep calling him a friend until the very end. I still don't know why he was that angry about Oklacon. Nobody actually gets that angry about, well, "ethics in hobbyist journalism", no matter what Gamergaters tell you. At the very least, the fact that I'm still here and nobody else has said anything about the Oklacon article and how "unprofessional" it is to me at any point kind tells me, at the end of the day, I mean, it's not that big a deal. So one random otter in the Reddit thread and Patch, ... and honestly nobody else cares about the fact I wrote an article about a con I didn't like. And you know what, I don't either.

And you know who else I don't think cares? Patch. It's what he's very viciously, and somewhat effectively attacked me for, but at the end of the day, I don't think this is what's it about. I might have embarrassed him by basically calling out his "call up and annoy mid-level bureaucrats who have no idea what the fuck is going on and probably limited power to actually do anything, anyway" plan as stupid, and I guess that was a bit mean, sorry about being mean (not sorry for thinking it was stupid, because, for the record, yeah, that was a fucking stupid plan). He actually invited me join him away from Flayrah at one point when Green Reaper was Inkbunny-ing it up, but I kind of just brushed it off, because I wanted stay at Flayrah, where we had a decade old archive, and a new site wouldn't have that. I never really articulated that to him, and that was rude. Probably not rude enough, either, to make him that angry.

Then I ended up finally just asking Green Reaper if he wanted to edit, and he gave me privileges. I'm theorizing here, but maybe Patch wanted them, I don't know. I remember at the time that GR basically said basically he'd considered me and Higgs Raccoon (and that guy kind ghosted, didn't he? Bad time at Flayrah.). I'm not really sorry I got the job he wanted, if that's it? Sorry. But it's all speculation.

I just don't fucking know what I did to piss him off like that. I sure as fuck know what he did to piss me off; he harassed me with personal attacks using a personal admission someone else in the fucking reddit directly asked me about of a painful memory to the point where I literally had to leave a position in a community and pool of friends to get the fuck away from him. In that reddit, I asked you, point blank, if you were mad a me for anything else.

You still haven't answered that question.

I can't apologize until you tell me what I'm apologizing for.


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