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It's so hard to be a furry. I've thought about commiting suicide in a fursuit just because I want things to change. In this community I find I am safe. Safer than I've ever felt. I went to one meet up and it was one of the best days of my life. I even got to meet the controversial but misunderstood John Maned Wolfy. He said he regretted the event, but I really think the negative publicity and lies that people spread about it made him feel that way. What he does in private is not others business. Everyone I asked there about him said he was a really great guy. He even went up to my guardian behind me back and told us there was a predator there. They told me I can wonder over to his group if I felt unsafe. At no point did the thought cross my mind, and at no point did I feel unsafe. (I was unsuited) The only thing I was worried about there was my social anxiety, but even I pushed that aside after a few hugs. I love furries so much, and I try to surround myself with positive news instead of negative. (Dogbomb1 is my hero) Maybe it's a rose-tinted glasses sort of situation. I know we're not perfect, like cons gone awry. Bad people exposed. Maybe cringy at times. I would say yeah, sometimes we are even an overly sexual community. But there's so much more to it than that. I wanted to be there forever. I am so sad I am now in a place where attending furry conventions could be a possible crime for me thanks to new laws. I think it's important we give people a second chance, even if they have done something bad. Maybe there were/are in my scenario where the furry fandom is their last retreat, last resort, last hope to be who you want to be. I hope one day we can live in peace with the politicians and not have to worry about getting shot or bombed... But I feel I have to make a big impact to do that. I want to help show the world we are more than what they assume, more than the stereotypes. I want to give furries like me a chance to do what they want without it getting banned. It all stems from a small shred of love and hope at the bottom of my heart for a species I so despise. I want peace. I want love. I want people to do whatever they want to do as long as it's not hurting others. Maybe its a slippery slope mindset. Thinking this is the best way to change things, or to even believe that it'll do anything whatsoever. I'm not sure we'll ever be accepted outside of our own small pockets... Never be afraid to be yourself. And reflect deeply and change if what that is can be considered a crime. I love you all, floofers.


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