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Our justice is not Christ's justice. Jesus sees the fatherless, and the widow being abused, wanting people to have mercy on them. The lack of money causes a lot of the suffering of the widow and fatherless. Human justice is attack, and arrest, punishing whoever, and protesting which leads to riots. That is having feet that are swift to do mischief. Those people don't use the right kind of judging. They end up accusing people of being abusive when that is not the case. The accusers are abusing a human mammal. Jesus will not do that. Jesus will want justice for the person being verbally abused. Justice comes when the verbal abusing ends. Blessed are the peace makers. Jesus is he that tames the tongue. Jesus detests an unfair balance. The theives in the temple did not have a fair balance, cheating people out of their money. Those theives were putting a price on things that God made. They that sold doves were driven out, not whipped out like some people say. The church taught people to put a price on things. Indians did not know what price was before 1492. Indians had the bond of perfectness which is charity believing what the settlers said. Indians betrayed over and over again. They suffered injustice. Jesus, had he been there would have pled for the Indians. Jesus would have told the settlers to go back where they came from


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