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What a joke of an article and comments from the usual failures.

Comment: Charles failed the basic internet rule of don't make legal statements while lacking basic legal knowledge.
Flayrah: Oh yeah, well you didn't do Charles' work and tutor them on the law, so there!

Comment: Charles relies on a disgraced Kiwifarms troll who called everyone nazis, and repeatedly had to retract and deleted and got banned, but Charles failed to disclose this.
Flayrah: Well you didn't disprove it by linking the banned accounts! Also it looks like the troll argued with himself so I don't believe you! *fails to read link correctly*

Comment: Here is the Kiwifarms account of the troll Charles used.
Flayrah: Kiwifarms is a bad place so I don't believe you! *fails to read link at all*

Comment: Charles is calling people nazis for pointing out his basic failures.
Flayrah: Some people kept thinking someone named Charles is a "he" so they probably are nazis!

*Fondly remembering how Greenreaper spent days of arguing how Wikifur policy should require misgendering trans people because "accuracy"*


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