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comparing my desire for prison abolition and a place where "justice" means something other than "punishment" to an attempted insurrection against the U.S. govt is what i believe the kids would call a "hot take"

anyway, ignoring the metaphor mixing:

- i did not do a summary of the entire history of legal systems because that would be absurd

- "anathemized" does not mean "genocide," it is a stronger form of excommunication, a religious process which rats do not care about, because they are rats

- the witch hunt metaphor is tired and played out, particularly because no one is hunting witches. as another commenter noted, this article is in large part a history. i am pointing to things that happened, or were happening at the time of writing, and have explicitly marked anything contestable as speculation on my part.

the author's goal (as stated in the text, but i'll rephrase it here) is to say, "i don't think these are a bunch of isolated, unrelated incidents. when you line them all up together, they start to look like a (nonexclusive) cultural issue we furries have, and i am putting forward that there is a root cause, namely the way our community leaders (and the rest of us by extension) deal with injustice."

feel free to read into that what you will.


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