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And while I agree with Sonious assessment about diverse voices in furry media (why the fuck you guys think we keep the other guy you're arguing with in the other ongoing thread around?) in theory, in practice, I see Dogpatch didn't update the entire month of July, and if I'm being real I think so much for "most updated furry news source". I think one of the reasons Patch got so pissed at me is because I didn't jump ship with him when he left to make his own thing even though he did ask.

If I recall correctly, his reasoning was that Flayrah was no longer a "going concern" (GR was balls deep in his Inkbunny phase and wait times on editorial were pretty long), and he was ready to ditch it to start a new site. Which, on one hand, yes, I would have enjoyed quicker response times to whatever bullshit I was peddling that month, sure, but on the other hand, why the fuck should I leave for greener pastures when I've got the whole old growth forest right here. That metaphor probably doesn't make sense, but what I'm trying to illustrate is that, at least from my perspective, the value of Flayrah over other furry sources is the archives. Furry News Network was basically just reprints of our articles, but what little original content they did create ... is gone. Weasel Wordsmith was kind of fun but it ... is gone. I hated [adjective][species], but it doesn't matter because it ... is gone. All these little sites, they spring up like weeds, with no history, and they die like weeds to be replaced by next season's. Even the Furtean Times only exists in our archives (also WikiFur News, but given GR's involvement, that's a bit different). And actually I'm expecting GR to break in here and point out that, actually, since he had those sites on the affiliate feeds or whatever they're called, they're actually kind of preserved on Flayrah too, but that only helps my case that Flayrah's main value is as an archive. (Obviously, Mink and In-Fur-Nation are in their own class.)

Seriously, have you seen our Twitter feed? If an article gets 10 likes and/or retweets, that shit's gone viral for us. If you think our primary value is in our new content, and if your goal is to be a major furry going concern, maybe, just maybe, you should look for signs that people actually know we exist. And have a little concern when those signs are lacking.


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