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Look, the point is, no matter what we're doing here, Assfuck McGee (I'm just going to ignore you pointing out his real name and just call him that) ... probably would actually appreciate being told, hey, dude, there's like a bunch of that sort of shit over there. I sure he didn't actually mean to diss us, but he did miss us, and, uh, it kind of seems like we might be kind of his thing, too?

But, like, maybe it shouldn't be me who tells him, cause I'll call him Assfuck McGee to his face.

Just, hint hint, wink wink, guys actually still in contact with that group over there. Also, gosh, guys, humility is great and all, but actually pointing out "hey, I do that!" when somebody ask "do you guys know anyone that does this thing?" is hardly over-weening pride, here.


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