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There's also how hurtful a loss is, and how much is at stake with big commissions. It doesn't take data to know one $2000+ loss is bad if it happens to you, right?

A system for more trust doesn't need to be more of a legal procedure than contracts makers already use. The problem is cheaters and failures don't respect contracts. Reactive solutions (like Artist Beware) may not help until a lot of people lose or the losses are very high, like much more than a few thousand dollars. Going after individuals for broken contracts is often pointless because of the effort to collect.

That's why there could be pro-active organizing with buyers, makers, and cons. Fursuit commissions are a pretty unique business, but the idea of guilds or mutual ratings isn't. It could be the way to get data.

Cons already pick and choose who to accept, there could be more to base it on than just who they like. And a mutual compact may not imply unequal members. Just more at stake for members if they cheat and more friends to get your back if a customer cheats you.


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