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Oh, yeah, I knew that scene, and that was the one you were talking about.

I don't do the Instagram stuff either; truth be told, I read about it on ... TVTropes trivia pages. (Hey, during the pandemic, I was going to edit some Oscar pages, and I learned you now have to sign up; they rejected my application to join! I don't know what that says about Flayrah's standards.) Apparently the "glare at the camera" scene was written before the character blogs were a thing, meaning the people on the show were aware and expecting people to create explicit "works" with the characters. They apparently didn't tell one of the bloggers, or something, and they couldn't take it.

On one hand, it's kind of funny because what the fuck did they expect? On the other hand, it's also kind of funny because, well, my original comment's joke.


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