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One game I don't recommend is Rusty Lake Hotel. It came out in 2016, and I recently got a free copy on Steam. It's got anthro characters, but you have no meaningful dialog with them, their animations are like cardboard cut-outs, and the point of the game is to kill them. I did not enjoy having to feed one of them their own feces.

Basically this is a macabre series of five short escape-the-room murder puzzles. The larger "game" that frames them is minimal and repetitive. 100% completion is optional, but if you get the order of actions wrong or miss small details, you have to start over from the beginning. And the only reward for 100% completion is a special code for a later game. The ending ultimately gives no closure, and you never get any understanding of the motivations behind what was happening. Maybe something gets explained in the future? I won't be bothering to check.


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