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Voting open for the 2021 Good Furry Award

Edited by dronon, GreenReaper as of 18:57
Your rating: None Average: 4.3 (4 votes)

Good Furry Award logo Voting is open for the 2021 Good Furry Award! Now in its third year, the award is our appreciation of the fans who show our fandom's community spirit. Last year's winner was Ash Coyote, and the 2019 prize went to the late Tony "Dogbomb" Barrett.

This year, over thirty furries have been nominated by their peers. Voting will continue through the end of May, and the winners (one first prize, and three honorable mentions) will be announced in June by Grubbs Grizzly on his "Ask Papabear" advice column website.

The winner will receive a handsome trophy, as well as $500. To cast your vote, go to If you're not familiar with some of the nominees, scroll down the page to find a description of who they are!


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