What I would like most is to figure out WHY a book feels better / is easier to read then a screen and then figure out how to make a ebook just as good. If we can accomplish that, then we have something truely revolutionary.
So far PDA's seem to offer the best shot at this, save for the screen size.. I wan't those neat lucite looking pads from Startrek Darn it!
What I would like most is to figure out WHY a book feels better / is easier to read then a screen and then figure out how to make a ebook just as good. If we can accomplish that, then we have something truely revolutionary.
So far PDA's seem to offer the best shot at this, save for the screen size.. I wan't those neat lucite looking pads from Startrek Darn it!
-Mach- SuperHyperYiffyPsychoSpeedySpottyKitty