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I thought it wasn't too bad--saw at a theatre (my first movie in a cinema in at least a year) and for a $9 matinee it was worth it. It was interesting to see a world with toon-y semi-anthro animated animals (semi as some were on two legs, some spoke). I heard a young boy tell his mom "I like Tom the Cat better". Part of the long running idea of predator and prey, and inspired the likes of Itchy and Scratchy ("they fight and fight, and fight and fight and fight"). Special effects made it seem real. Huge elephants escaping and pushing aside cars. The Roger Rabbit "toons in the real world" vibe was there. Word has it a similar approach will be done to the Pink Panther.

At times I did slightly groan when there scenes with just the human actors...I remember Pena and Jeong from the Ant Man movies.
Tom does sing in one scene IIRC though...also, in an old short he also did the classic Louis Jordan "Is You Is Or Is You Ain't Ma Baby".
And I do like animated animals in real settings, and wonder what it would be like to have Nick and Judy...or Legoshi, Haru, and Louis--in "real" settings. Speaking of Nick...Kayla's con games made me think of her as a female,
human version of Nick Wilde.


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