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There may not be lizards, but they do have robots, left over from Firefox 3.
You can see them if you use it and manually navigate to about:robots.

Other interesting tidbits at about:about - reminds me of Portal:Portal - include:

  • about:compat (user-agent and CSS overrides for sites that hate foxes, and/or have terrible style - like Steam's community site, USPS, DirecTV, Lloyds Bank, Santander, Bank of America, Slack and, oddly enough, Zillow)
  • about:studies (tests being run live in production)
  • about:policies (turns out the administrator can control everything)
  • about:license (Firefox is licensed, not sold), and
  • about:telemetry (where you can see them watching)
  • about:support (lots of potentially-useful information)

And of course, there's about:mozilla - which refers to the Beast, so there was one after all.


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