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Thank you for describing Sela the vixen the way you did; what happened to her always bothered me right from when I first saw it when I was just little, unlike pretty much everyone else she does not try to put herself in harms way or otherwise get involved with or interfere in anything until she is forced and dragged into it: so there is a game called FN a security bridge, and then this game there is a character named Roxy who gets horribly mutilated and murdered after being infected with a computer virus, I know this is a great way affected me; and in addition to it being absolutely horrible; About six months after I first saw it I realized the part of why this has affected me so deeply is because “I’ve been here before”: so I guess the saying is true that “childhood trauma leaves some of the deepest wounds“. So I just hope that they have Sela saved or otherwise decide to keep Sela alive in the new movie\series.


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