Better get practising your mouth-full-of-mouse impression, just in case. Hopefully being a furry won't be an issue. I imagine a few on Redwall MUCK might like to participate.
Huh, and that Kickstarter map? Looks like they finished it. Then did an investor pitch for a full game, which got a lighting test in 2016 and came out in 2018. To very mixed reviews, but they updated it this time last year and are working on an Act II, with a bigger team.
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Better get practising your mouth-full-of-mouse impression, just in case. Hopefully being a furry won't be an issue. I imagine a few on Redwall MUCK might like to participate.
Huh, and that Kickstarter map? Looks like they finished it. Then did an investor pitch for a full game, which got a lighting test in 2016 and came out in 2018. To very mixed reviews, but they updated it this time last year and are working on an Act II, with a bigger team.