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I was not a Dragoneer Cheerleader myself either, I definitely preferred the 2006 version:

The version who understood Separation of Fiction & Reality. The version who fought hard for Artistic Freedom.

The version who said that art and the artist should not be blamed for the actions of a deranged fan.

I liked THAT version of 'Neer quite a lot, seemed very Neil Gaiman-esque... very PRO-FICTION, much like the late great Near / Byuu of the emulation and rom hacking scene....

But sadly, somewhere along the course of time, Dragoneer changed and Furry Fandom itself changed...

It became a lot more "Puritanical" with its views concerning artwork and fiction....


Despite all the shifts in beliefs, and the weird rule changes at Fur Affinity, I never HATED Dragoneer as a person.

I just felt like he was rolling over too easy for the Twitter Puritans... I never outright wished ill will on the guy.

e621 recently has made some questionable decisions, but do I ~hate~ anyone there? No... I don't...

I just think that they are caving too easily and not putting up enough of a fight against outright censorship.


We can have different beliefs and different attitudes, but it doesn't mean that I wish ill fortune on anyone....


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