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Well probably. That's other than some claims which she had confirmed herself.

On another note I would say people should probably sit down and rethink how they are *handling discourses* between themselves and Lucky that could have happened at a personal level. Bringing personal matters to the public and expecting everyone else to follow suit to solve for them?

Sigh, sadly many furries follow the crowd under the popufurs' leadership onboard the prevailing narrative without even conducting proper investigations, let alone did the claimed victims (the authors) even raised this to the authorities.

It just made the claimers look as suspicious as DHC's side is (i'm not the one who's thinking of this) since proponents have continuously portrayed the claimed victims as authoritative, unquestionable and 100% reliable sources throughout this drama. And for perpetuating claims and calling it facts, the community has also certainly morphed itself into a vicious cycle of source evaluation skills deficit, a toxic wasteland of single-sided narratives and a space of stunted dialogue.


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