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I have to agree. Seeing many popufurs and quite a portion of the fandom demonstrating a huge lack of media literacy completely scared the daylights out of me.

Why the media literacy part? Simply put, many people just resolve to believe what one side says and completely latches themselves onto that very side that felt advantageous. That was amplified further by furry YouTubers who resorted to only cover one side of the story and spreading this one-sided information. Qutens may have their side said; their stance thus made so on one side, but the problem was many people were only so focused on one side (qutens' side) that totally made this whole depiction of this drama and its happenings biased as hell.

Lucky however indeed confirmed on some of the claims in that document through Shi Okami's video. But for the harassment part, that remains to be seen. No confirmation, no police investigation. No arrests, no court, no conviction. Many, especially some popufurs, ended up capitalising on this controversy by weaponizing their followers and building echo chambers of that narrative.

The problem is that people still are latching onto this "all they say are 100% facts" narrative upon reaching earshot. It's so disappointing to see what the fandom has done here - doing that and perpetuating CLAIMS without even making effort to look at all sides of the story, let alone investigate into the validity of both DHC and Qutens' sides - and coming to a much more balanced conclusion.


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